508-358-7959 info@waylandmuseum.org

Rev250 Logo Contest

Calling all Wayland residents! As America gears up for its 250th anniversary, the Wayland Museum & Wayland Rev250 Committee invites you to design a logo to celebrate this milestone. Your design should include “Wayland” and either “250” or “Rev250” and be suitable...

The Traveling Case Clock

Another grandfather clock creates an interesting chapter in the history of the Grout-Heard House, home of the Wayland Museum. It was a gift from Mabel Small Draper (1887-1970), a founder of the Wayland Historical Society who negotiated with Raytheon Corporation to...

History of Maps in Wayland

On October 9th WM&HS and the Wayland Free Public Library co-sponsored a talk about The History of Maps in Wayland, presented by Town Surveyor Tom Lashmit. Tom’s talk filled the library’s Raytheon Room and attracted about 60 people on Zoom. Tom described many of...

Welcoming Our Executive Director

The Wayland Museum & Historical Society is excited and pleased to announce the selection of Scarlett V. Hoey as our first Executive Director. Scarlett brings a great deal of relevant experience and natural creativity to this new position. Her professional...

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