508-358-7959 info@waylandmuseum.org

Welcoming Our Executive Director

The Wayland Museum & Historical Society is excited and pleased to announce the selection of Scarlett V. Hoey as our first Executive Director. Scarlett brings a great deal of relevant experience and natural creativity to this new position. Her professional...

WHS Director Honored for Leadership

Neil Gordon, WHS Director and Grout-Heard House Museum Long Range Plan Committee member, was recently selected winner of the 2023 Nonprofit Excellence Award in Leadership for his work as CEO of the Discovery Museum in Acton. The award, presented in June, recognizes a...

Joanne Davis

Joanne Davis was a longtime volunteer and valued member of the Wayland Museum & Historical Society. In 1996 she not only stepped into Jo Goeselt’s large shoes as Curator but kept vigilant watch over all furnishings, systems, cookie supplies, visitors– and...

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