If You Ate Today, Thank a Farmer: Wayland’s Truck Farms and Road Side Stands
A spring program featured member Bob Dorey talking about “Wayland’s Truck Farms and Road Side Stands” on Sunday, April 23rd at the Carriage House at Lee’s Farm. The talk/photo show was informative, entertaining, and well attended. Bob spoke of Wayland’s truck farms and roadside stands and their operation during the 1900s. Drawing from personal experience as a teenager on a number of farms and talking with older residents, Bob recounted history and some firsthand experiences on such familiar landmarks as Lee’s Farm Market, Mainstone Farm, Watertown Dairy, Pinky Smith’s Farm stand, Walnut Hill, Harrington’s and the Hynes’ farms. We were grateful for the generous hospitality of the folks at the Carriage House who provided delicious refreshments and a door prize.
Watertown Dairy
View of Watertown Dairy located on Moore Road in Wayland.
Hyman Shick with a Calf
Watertown Dairy, Wayland, MA