508-358-7959 info@waylandmuseum.org


The Wayland Museum & Historical Society (WM&HS) at the Grout-Heard House Museum (GHHM) has been an integral part of the Wayland community and central to documenting and honoring Wayland’s history for the past 70 years. The aim of the following Five-Year Strategic Plan is to outline the mechanisms through which the Society can grow and become an even more active and vibrant community resource. Key to our growth and increased community engagement will be expanded programming and educational opportunities; enhancement of the GHHM, its infrastructure and collections; participation by a committed Board and cadre of volunteers supported by dedicated and knowledgeable staff; and financial support from members and donors.

The Wayland Museum and Historical Society is dedicated to preserving, interpreting and sharing the history of the Town of Wayland.  The Society:

  • owns, preserves and opens to the public the Grout-Heard House Museum.
  • holds meetings, creates exhibits, sponsors programs and runs special events for the education and enjoyment of its members, the Wayland community, and the general public.
  • collects, preserves and interprets objects and records relating to the rich history of Wayland and its people.
  • makes its resources accessible to researchers, genealogists, and the general public.
  • acts in cooperation with public and private entities to promote awareness of and interest in Wayland’s history and heritage.

The Vision of the Wayland Museum & Historical Society is to engage residents and visitors by offering an understanding and appreciation of Wayland’s rich history and its connection to historical themes of the region, Commonwealth and country.

We believe that preserving the history of the Community in a respectful and responsible manner is our obligation and that this history should be accessible to all those interested in knowing about the Community. We commit to being the stewards of that history for future generations. We will work to expand our horizons to learn about all cultures that make up Wayland’s past, present, and future.

The main goal of the WM&HS is to create a more vibrant and active organization at the center of Wayland. We will:

  • increase visibility and community awareness of the Wayland Museum & Historical Society;
  • create programs and events that speak to and engage all people who make up the Wayland community;
  • generate community support through expanded membership and attendance of programs;
  • be stewards of the history of Wayland for all members of the community;
  • and fully meet our stewardship obligations to the historic Grout-Heard House Museum and its Collection. 

Enhancement and Expansion of Programs
Increasing our membership as well as relevance to and engagement with the community depends on offering engaging programs and educational opportunities. The Wayland Museum & Historical Society programs will appeal to multi-generational audiences and heighten awareness of the Society and its resources in Wayland and the broader community. Specifically, we will:

  • expand and revitalize the program committee to enable WM&HS to offer multiple engaging programs annually that appeal to multi-generational audiences.
  • develop and re-establish connections with the Wayland Elementary and High Schools and Girl/Boy Scouts to sponsor youth educational programs:
  • renew the Third-Grade Revolutionary Program to be offered to all three elementary schools every year starting in Spring 2025
  • renew the High School History Program to be offered every year by 2026
  • identify a program that will bring Boy Scouts to the GHHM by 2026
  • continue to offer a program related to the Girl Scout Playing the Past Badge
  • develop youth summer programs to be offered by Summer 2026.
  • develop multi-generational programs focused on 250th anniversary to be offered throughout 2026.

Museum and Collections Enhancement
The Grout-Heard House Museum currently exhibits period rooms that are the same, month to month. Many visitors come to see the artifacts in the museum and find that one visit is sufficient. The Wayland Museum & Historical Society will preserve the fabric of the GHHM, organize its collection, restructure museum exhibitions and presentations, and increase the accessibility of the collections and archives to enhance awareness of WM&HS resources and attract the public to make repeat visits to the GHHM. Specifically, we will:

  • continue efforts to preserve the GHHM and its collections by
  • replacing the existing HVAC with a heat pump system by July 2024
  • raising funds to plan and construct ADA compliant entry and bathroom facilities
  • expanding museum hours with some weekend access (one weekend afternoon per month).
  • develop and implement a repeat visit strategy and plan by 2026. Ideas already discussed include
  • rotating special exhibits at the GHHM
  • loaning artifacts to the Library and other public spaces such as the Community Center when built
  • reorganizing the period rooms at the GHHM.
  •  improve access to collections information and archival files by
  • expanding PastPerfect data entry to other computers at the GHHM
  • making the collections database accessible to wide audience by purchasing online access to PastPerfect
  • reviewing and filing archival materials in file cabinets
  • posting photographs on WM&HS website.

Community Awareness
Even though the GHHM is in the center of Wayland, many residents do not know about it or recognize its importance in the community. The Wayland Museum & Historical Society and the GHHM will be better known throughout Wayland and the larger community.  Specifically, we will:

  • have a presence at relevant town events: e.g. Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Town Meeting – 250th Celebration.
  • define other resources in town with which to link: e.g. the Rail Trail, annual Multicultural Festival.
  • partner with Historical Societies in surrounding towns – learn approaches from other societies, particularly Sudbury for the 250th Celebration.
  • update signs; one in front of the GHHM; one along the Rail-Trail.
  • upgrade newsletter content and improve access to and awareness of the website.

Membership and Donations
Members not only provide funding for programs and other activities but also are the source of new ideas and committed volunteers. One hundred fifty-nine (159) members in a town of almost 14,000 (5,000 families) is not enough. The Wayland Museum & Historical Society will significantly increase membership and donations from the community. Specifically, we will

  • engage in a major membership campaign in Fall 2024 and 2025 to increase membership number by 20 percent each year for the next five years (30 new memberships in 2024-2025, 36 new memberships in 2025-2026, 43 new memberships in 2026-2027, etc.).
  • identify potential new members at each program offered and follow up with a membership solicitation.

Capital Campaign
The Board and the Executive Director will develop a Capital Campaign strategy to secure the future of the Historical Society and to accomplish many of the tasks inherent in this Plan.

Board, Volunteer and Staff Participation
All successful non-profit organizations require a committed board, responsible officers, and volunteers – all with help of a committed staff. The Board of Managers includes five officers and six directors. The Trustee of Funds, which manages the Endowment, includes three trustees and the treasurer who also is an officer. The Historical Society has one part-time employee, the Curator. Volunteers range from those who work on a specific project weekly to those who step in for individual projects, logging in 1,076 volunteer hours in the last Fiscal Year. To help build the depth and breadth of the Board and volunteers, as well as to help implement the goals discussed above, we will:

  • hire a full time Executive Director to start in Fall 2024.
  • identify Volunteers to run committees that help with the work and output of the organization.
  • identify Volunteers to organize specific programs.

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