508-358-7959 info@waylandmuseum.org

Another grandfather clock creates an interesting chapter in the history of the Grout-Heard House, home of the Wayland Museum. It was a gift from Mabel Small Draper (1887-1970), a founder of the Wayland Historical Society who negotiated with Raytheon Corporation to give the Heard House to the newly formed WHS in 1955. The clock is one of many items donated in her will. The museum already had the Bullard Clock*. Because the new clock was a foot too tall for any of the ceilings, this time, to solve the problem, this clock was sent next door to the Wayland Free Public Library. The library, as it turned out, already owned the Mary Adams Heard tall case clock, which stood in the vestibule. Perhaps that is why the library decided to dispose of the Draper clock. So, it was sold.

The grandfather clock that stood in the library vestibule for more than 25 years was stolen! It was big news in the Wayland Town Crier in the mid 1970’s.  Made of cherry, the clock had brass finials, a brass face, and a lunar dial, and it was valued at $5,000.  At the time, the perpetrators escaped and the clock was not recovered.

In the late 1970’s Jeffrey Levitt, who lived in Cambridge, saw an ad in the Want Advertiser for a Draper clock once belonging to the Wayland Historical Society. He bought it and donated it back to the museum, where yes, it was still too tall!  After being restored by Michael G. Poisson, a local clock artisan, the Society gave it once again to the library.

The tall case clock currently standing on the library mezzanine balcony has three wood finials, a brass face, and a scenic dial. Could this be the traveling Draper clock that has had quite a journey? What do you think?

Image: courtesy of the Wayland Free Public Library
*Read more about the Bullard Clock in our February 2025 Newsletter.


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